New App Released For Keeping Tabs On Progress Quitting Smoking

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Every smoker can potentially benefit from this new app from Vaper Empire, an e-cigarette and vape juice company whose brand is synonymous with quality vaping products in Australia. The app, the Quit Smoking Progress Tracker, has simplified the process of keeping tabs and how long it has been since your last smoke. The app is sleek, effective, and beautifully designed. Best of all, it’s free.

Want to download the app on your device? You can find it on Google Play and Amazon.

There aren’t many features offered by the app as it’s really designed to do just one thing: tell you how long it has been since the last time you smoked tobacco.

Vaper Empire Quit Smoking App

This simple app keeps track of how long it has been since that last smoke.

You can track your progress right down to the hour. It also allows you to see how many days, weeks, months, and years have gone by since you successfully gave up smoking.

  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Years

There are only two buttons to click. The first button is the “Start Tracking” button which obviously begins the timer and the other button is the “reset” button for resetting the timer. Hopefully, you won’t ever have to use that second button.

Who Is Vaper Empire?

Vaper Empire, as is fairly common with vape companies, aims to help Aussie smokers transition from smoking to vaping. Their online store sells e-cigarettes, e-juices, and various accessories to go with them. Of course, they also have replacement parts for all their vapes, such as tanks, pods, and cartomisers.


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